How to Write a Novel

Guest Post: Five Plot Structures for Bestselling Novels By Katja L Kaine So you’ve got an amazing story idea, but the question remains: how to turn it into a great novel? There must be as many different ways to write a novel as there are novel writers. Some of us like to create vast spreadsheets mapping … Continued

Finding a Great Romance Editor

How to recognize a great romance editor, and get the most out of their services. Romance editors: it might be hard to find one who embodies all of the attributes below (I’m not sure I do!) but these tips will help you navigate your way to the romance editor of your dreams. Alternatively, if you already … Continued

Finding Your Novel’s Dream Theme

How to find your theme, and make your story sing. Many writers shiver at the T word. After all, finding a novel’s theme sounds so intellectual, like a boring week of high school English you’d rather forget. But throw out your book’s theme at your own risk, because it’s the secret ingredient that will make … Continued