Your Story Outline Template

The first step for savvy storytellers. Writing a novel or memoir without a story outline is like driving without GPS. You don’t know where you’ll end up and chances are the journey will be a lot longer than necessary. This story outline template will allow you to clarify: Your characters’ developmental arcs. Have you introduced … Continued

Passive vs. Active Characters

Passive vs. Active Characters: From Zero to Hero From romance to Russian Lit, and memoir to middle-grade, almost all bestselling stories are centered around active protagonists. Understanding the difference between passive vs. active characters is vital in terms of reader engagement and commercial viability. So why are active characters so important? Let’s start by looking … Continued

How to Introduce a Character in Your Novel

And hook the reader from page one… The first step to writing a great novel is introducing us to a compelling character; i.e. someone we can understand and empathize with. If our introduction to the character falls flat, it doesn’t matter how engaging or complex the protagonist later proves to be, the reader won’t be … Continued

5 Storytelling Tips to Win Readers

Almost every rough draft I encounter would benefit from at least one, if not all of these storytelling tips. But before you toss that manuscript away, rest assured, each tip is easy to implement once you’re aware of the principles at play, and why they’re important. Storytelling Tips #5 Identify a Theme Great storytellers understand … Continued

Finding Your Novel’s Dream Theme

How to find your theme, and make your story sing. Many writers shiver at the T word. After all, finding a novel’s theme sounds so intellectual, like a boring week of high school English you’d rather forget. But throw out your book’s theme at your own risk, because it’s the secret ingredient that will make … Continued